Get your updated COVID-19 vaccine & flu shot (Pfizer 24/25, Comirnaty)

On campus Vaccination Clinics:
  • September 25-27
  • DUC 276

Bring insurance card or upload to the student health portal

Health Services recommends at least one dose of an updated COVID-19 vaccine based on CDC guidance

COVID-19 vaccine

Health Services follows CDC guidance and recommends everyone receive at least one dose of an updated 2024-2025 vaccine

These include Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna or Novavax
Pfizer-BioNTech is available at Health Services

Book an appointment through the Student Health Portal
If you have received this vaccine outside of Health Services, please update your immunization status in the student portal
For questions about receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, contact Health Services or call 314-935-6666 (during business hours)